We are ZAMET, a Czechfamily company

We are ZAMET, a Czech
family company

We specialise in precision engineering, which is why complex and difficult projects and challenges are given the green light

Myš Šipky

About us

We are ZAMET. A 100% Czech family-owned business that focuses on high-precision and specialised engineering production. We've been at it for over a quarter of a century and in that time we have overcome many obstacles and challenges. Since our beginnings, we have been focusing mainly on complex engineering projects, and we also have our own production range of clamping devices. We can crack even the most difficult problems.

Complex and difficult projects and challenges are our passion. Our track record speak for itself. High-precision and specialised engineering manufacturing is the area where the entire ZAMET brand feels most at home. We make our experience and expertise count in successful implementations that our customers expect. With our components, we make the world of engineering machinery more convenient and more efficient.

Our main goal is to keep on consolidating and expanding our company's position in Central Europe, to penetrate the most demanding sectors of the engineering industry and to continue to pursue our company's strategy, which is to supply our customers with the most technologically demanding production outputs according to their requirements, where we can fully exploit our blend of top technology with the engineering skills, experience and dexterity of our operators.


History and Evolution of the Company

The company's history dates back to the 1990s, when it consecutively underwent several organisational and ownership changes until it reached its current form in 2001. Originally, it was launched with only 15 employees and without any assets of its own. Currently, the company operates two plants in Nový Hrozenkov and two further subsidiaries located in Halenkov and Huslenky, Czech Republic. The ZAMET company is also a major regional employer, providing jobs for almost 400 people.

It also has its own production range of clamping devices, which, in addition to factory sales, provides flexibility and speed in the matter of in-house technological preparation of production of demanding parts, which enables the creation of fixtures for its smooth running. The company's strategy is based on long-term close collaboration with several major business partners both at home and abroad. The long-term goals of the company are to build a strong and, above all, stable enterprise, to maintain and expand its presence in domestic and foreign markets and, not least, to develop its position internationally. Our strength is our up-to-date and wide range of production technologies, which enable us to deliver comprehensive supplies from simple parts to the most complex welded and machined multi-part units, including their surface treatment and assembly.

Our major milestones:

  • 1994 - 2000
    Our Beginnings

    The period between 1994 and 2000 can be described as  the starting point of the evolution of activities under a family business focused on precision engineering production, which led to the creation of a company that combined commercial and manufacturing activities.

  • 2001
    Birth of the ZAMET COMPANY

    In this year, the solid foundations of the ZAMET brand were laid. Originally it started with 15 employees and no assets of its own, but it had valuable contacts and a good reputation built over previous periods.

  • 2002 - 2007

    Thanks to our market successes and collaboration  with major business partners, we were able to invest continuously in the expansion of our production capacities and technologies that significantly improved the efficiency of our production processes. These innovations made us an attractive partner for our customers.

  • 2008 - 2010
    Up's and downs

    The ZAMET company overcame the economic crisis thanks to its staff, quality output and investments in technology infrastructure and state-of-the-art technologies.

  • 2015

    In February 2015, we passed the 250 employee milestone and became a corporate entity in terms of staff numbers. Also, a new HQ was built in Halenkov alongside with a new production sites which enabled us to streamline key manufacturing activities in one place - streamlining company´s production. 

  • 2022
    New ERP System

    Zamet company invested in an efficient management system – ERP Karat, which enable us to coordinate our corporate internal systems and processes all the way from order receipt to dispatch. This was a strategic move that boosted our company's competitiveness and brought many benefits to our daily operations.


Our highly specialised and precise engineering production is highlighted by the certificates we have been awarded. These documents clearly testify to our quality and philosophy, not only in the manufacturing processes but also in the management system.

We´ve been awarded by following certificates:

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System (QMS)
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System (EMS)
ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)
ISO 50001:2018 – Energy management
EN ISO 3834-2:2005 – Welding management
DIN EN 15085-2 CL1 – Welding of railway rolling stock and parts thereof
EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011 EXC3 – Method of assessing conformity of steel and aluminium structures

Certificates of quality department staff:

NDT – non-destructive testing
NDT VT – visual testing of welds
NDT MT- magnetic testing of welds
NDT PT- penetrant testing of welds
NDT UT – ultrasonic testing of welds

Sustainability and the Environment

ZAMET is a 100% Czech-owned company that does not just care for its employees, but is also a responsible player in terms of the environmental impacts of its activities. We invest in up-to-date manufacturing processes and technologies that minimise our negative environmental impacts. This reduces the consumption of energies and commodities, translating into lower production of waste. We follow environmental trends and undertake to apply these in our in-house manufacturing and development processes. For us sustainability is a commitment, not just an empty phrase.

As part of our internal measures, we integrate environmental and sustainability aspects into our operations. This management process not only contributes to improving the environment but also helps us build a reputation as a highly responsible company. This factor in turn brings us customers who have grown to expect a high emphasis on these values.

Today, environment-related topics, often referred to as "green" ones, are an integral part of modern business. For us at Zamet, the protection of the environment and concern for environmental impacts, and not only in the locations where our company operates, have been a self-explanatory and integral part of our activities since our very beginnings.

Our Staff

Our employees are the most important asset we have. The skill, know-how and experience of our staff is something we can proudly offer to our existing and potentional customers.

The future lies in the people who will continue to write the ZAME´s story and thus contribute with their effort to the production and development of machinery parts and components that facilitate optimum efficiency in the relevant areas of work.


Organisational hierarchy Organisational hierarchy
Quality policy Quality policy

Contact us


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